Do It Yourself Air Conditioning Maintenance and Repair

Surgi's realizes that air conditioning service can sometimes be expensive.  If you are handy around the house and wish to save money by doing some cleaning, upgrades or repairs yourself we are happy to offer phone advice and instructions at no charge.

The following links may be helpful:

It is not difficult to clean your condenser coil, blower wheel, or surface clean your evaporator coil.  If you need advice call us at 469-4232 and we will be happy to have one of our service techs walk you through the process.

Call Surgi's Free Advice Line

Want a new thermostat?  Call us for advice on the proper type and we'll walk you through the installation.  Stuck in the middle of a project?  Call and we'll try to get you out of a bind.  

You have little to lose.  Grab a hose, brush or nut driver and give it a shot.  We'll be here to keep you out of trouble.  Got in a little over your head?  We're still there for you at regular service rates.

We still recommend that you have your air conditioning and heating cleaned by a professional at least once a year.  But, any work you can do will benefit your systems.

Surgi's has several maintenance plans from a comprehensive cleaning of the entire system to our annual Gold Star Service Plan which offers 15% discount on repairs, 5% discount on replacement components and guaranteed same day service,

Need a new system?  Surgi's can help.  Need a healthier, more comfortable life?  We can change the way you feel about your home. 

Call 469-4232 for a free estimate today!

While you are researching try the following articles on Surgi's website:

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