Consulting Services

Many companies offer items for sale: an air conditioning system, a dehumidifier, duct replacement, a system cleaning, ultra-violet lights or electronic air cleaners. Surgi's offers results.  To Surgi's, their items are the tools we use with our expertise to solve problems and make our customers comfortable.

A Free Estimate Is More Than A Price

Surgi's has developed a "comfort philosophy" that looks at the home with an eye for things that affect comfort, efficiency, health and safety. We consider our free estimate an opportunity to evaluate your home and to share with you solutions to problems that may be affecting the quality of life in the home.

Take advantage of our experience and expertise.  New systems cost a lot of money. You should expect a thorough assessment of your present air conditioning system and be told about any issues and problems that are noticed by our experts. These can often be solved as part of a new system installation with little added cost.

Surgi's Can Solve
High Humidity
Leaking Windows
High Utility Bills
Sinus Problems
Potential Fire Hazards
Odors or Old House Smell
Hot or Cold Rooms
Future Water Leaks
Asthma Attacks and Colds
Many Allergies

Need a new system?  Surgi's can help.  Need a healthier, more comfortable life?  We can change the way you feel about your home. 
Call 469-4232 for a free estimate today!
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