Surgi's Heating and Air Conditioning offers repair, replacement, preventive maintenance and other general heating and air services for your home. Services for new homeowners include real estate inspections, new construction design and complete equipment and duct system installation. Serving greater New Orleans including the Northshore and Westbank. Call Surgi's at 469-4232 or 985-624-9333.
The Problem With R-22 Freon
In an effort to curb the use of greenhouse gases, the congress passed legislation phasing out the use of Freon R-22. The industry had a choice of acceptable gases and eventually chose R-410a as an environmentally friendly alternative. Production of R-22 condensers was to have ceased in 2005 with the manufacture of R-22 gas.
Manufacturers, some happily, some reluctantly, discovered a loophole in the law and bagan producing R-22 condensers in 2010. They circumvented the legislation by not shipping these new units with R-22. Instead, they put a holding charge of Nitrogen in the machines which is purged during installation and re-charged with R-22 by the installer.
To combat this practice, in the winter of 2012 the EPA notified chemical manufacturers that the production of R-22 was likely to be further reduced by 45% by the end of 2012. This notification caused manufacturers to increase R-22 prices which caused a run on available stock by wholesalers and air conditioning dealers. Since the original EPA notification, the cost of R-22 at wholesale has risen from $5.50 a pound to $13.00.
With labor, overhead and profit added, the cost of R-22 at retail now ranges from $40 to $60 a pound. At an average of 3 lbs. of refrigerant per ton the average system will require $400 - $600 worth of freon at installation.
Surgi's feels that the continued sale of R-22 condensers is not in the best interest of our customers or the environment. The continued use R-22 in the residential marketplace is financially harmful to consumers in the long run.
The overall cost of operating, maintaining and repairing an R-22 condenser over the life of the system may run 50-80% more than a comparable R-410a system. So, don't let an air conditioning dealer convince you to continue to use R-22. His desire to get a quick sale with lower labor costs may not be in your best interest.